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Über Miro
Eine visuelle Kollaborationsplattform, auf der Teams ihre Arbeit erledigen können.
In addition, I like the integration with Microsoft Teams as an additional way to collaborate.
Sometimes I get lost with the layers or locking content. I feel that this feature could be set differently.
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Flexible way to visualize just about anything
Meine Lieblings-Kollaborationstool
Kommentare: Als Scrum Master und Agile Coach arbeite ich täglich mit Miro. Gemeinsames Brainstorming, Ideenfindung und Lösungssuche funktionieren genauso wie Backlog Estimation und PI Planning.Für Remote Workshops und Meetings braucht man ein gemeinsames Whiteboard, auf dem man seine Ideen aufschreiben, sammeln und diskutieren kann. Miro bietet hier einfach nutzbare Grundfunktionen (Sticky Notes, Texte, Schreiben) und viele tolle Erweiterungen (Jira-Anbindung, Stoppuhr, Abstimmung, Frames, Präsentationen, ...).Ich nutze Miro für persönliche Brainstormings, für Team-Workshops bis hin zu PI Plannings mit mehreren hundert Personen. Alles ist einfach und intuitiv nutzbar.
Die intuitive Nutzbarkeit, die Übersichtlichkeit und die einfache Navigation macht es selbst Neueinsteigern leicht, sich zurechtzufinden.Die vielen Funktionen und Erweiterungen (z.B. Voting, Planning Poker, Stoppuhr, Präsentationsmodus) und Anbindungsmöglichkeiten (z.B. Jira) machen es mir als Workshopmoderator sehr einfach und helfen mir, meinen Kunden eine ideale remote Workshop-Erfahrung zu bieten.
Hin und wieder gibt es einige Bugs, bei mehreren hundert bis tausend Elementen wird die Ladezeit sehr hoch.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Unverzichtbar für Remote Teams
Sehr intuitives Tool für Workshops, Planungssessions und mehr! Stetig kommen weitere Tolle Funktionen wie z.B. neulich die Abstimmungsfunktion hinzu die auf elegante Art und Weise eingeführt und vorgestellt werden.
Für junge Startups wären zusätzliche Discount Programme wünschenswert.
Tool für Teamwork
Mit Miro kann ich während eines Arbeitskreises die Ergebnisse sammeln und in geeignete Form bringen, sogar präsentieren. Mindmaps, Tabellen und co nutze ich dabei sehr gerne.
Bisher noch nichts wirklich negatives aufgefallen
Digitales Whiteboard mit allem was man braucht.
Kommentare: Gutes Tool was sich im Laufe der Zeit etwas verzettelt hat. Hier wäre weniger machmal mehr. Aber die Hauptfunktion funktioniert wirklich gut.
Einfach zu bedienende ansprechende Oberfläche.
Mindmap Funktion ist nicht wirklich Leitungsfähig.
das intuitive Planungstool meiner Wahl
kollaboratives Arbeiten wird dank Miro stark vereinfacht. Die Bedienung ist trotz zahlreicher Funktionen intuitiv geblieben. Ich kann Miro uneingeschränkt weiterempfehlen.
Die Desktop-Version verlangt sehr oft nach Updates. Das ist manchmal etwas störend.
Super Ideenmanagement tool mit tollem Live-Sync.
Live-Sync funktioniert fast Sekunden genau. Es gibt viele Integrationen und es ist allgemein sehr benutzerfreundlich und einfach zu bedienen.
Es gibt Funktionen die in anderen Tools deutlich besser gemacht sind. Es ist eher ein All-Rounder tool, wenn man etwas benötigt, was richtig gut für eine bestimmte Aufgabe wie z.B. Projektmanagement ist, sollte man eine spezifischeres Tool verwenden.
Die simpel gestaltene Oberfläche, einfache Bedienung und instllation
Fehlende Diagramme, Stifte und Formen, Vergleich hierzu ist Draw IO
Virtuelle Zusammenarbeit
Kommentare: Perfekt bei Abstimmungen in Videokonferenzen
Die Zusammenarbeit fällt in Videokonferenzen ganz leicht & bietet eine gute Übersicht
Am Anfang musste man sich mit der Bedienung anfreunden, bei mehreren Anwendungen funktioniert das ganze recht gut
Super Whiteboard Tool zum Brainstormen und zur Prozess Modellierung
Miro glänzt durch den guten live sync und die vielen Tools zur Darstellung von Prozessen.
Ich würde mir wünschen dass ich weitere Schriftarten in Miro benutzen kann, damit die visualisierungen der eigenen Brand-language entsprechen.
Kommentare: Gerade für Anfönger im Remotearbeiten gut geeignet, weil leicht zu lernen.
Mit Miro kann ich Gedanken sortieren und mit Kollegen denken.
DGSVO konform ist für meine Kunden extrem wichtig und Datensicherheit wird hier nicht garantiert.
Miro Bewertung
Fördert die Zusammenarbeit insbesondere in sehr großen Teams.
Für komplett freue Gestaltung führt schnell zu Unübersichtlichkeit
Miro Features
Kommentare: Ich nutze es sehr of im Studium, lässt sich gut mit anderen Tools zu integrieren.
Man kann sie intuitiv schnell benutzen. Passt gut um mit vielen Teilnehmern zusammen zu arbeiten. Wunderbar geeignet als ein Brainstorming-Tool.
Wenn man mit vielen Menschen zusammen arbeitet, ist es manchmal sehr schwer die richtige Arbeitsgruppe zu finden. Eine Aufteilung wäre sinnvoller, wie eine Art Breakdown-Rooms.
Tracing paper and pen in a virtual environment
With remote working, collaborating on complex design related problems became much more difficult. Screen sharing with snapping images and marking up was a quick fix, however this was slow and a 1-way communication.
MIRO solved all of this and became the virtual equivalent of rolling out tracing paper and having a handful of people developing the design simultaneously.
I think that it would be useful to enhance the sketching experience further. If there could be a virtual tracing paper with variable opacity to contain (group) a series of sketches similar to a frame this would be useful. This is currently possible with multiple objects but it becomes unwieldy. This would also allow the development of a simple layer system.
Partial deletion of a hand drawn line would be really helpful.
(I have in mind some of the user-experience of the Procreate sketching iPad app)
I found MIRO intuitive with no training necessary. You can invite collaborators effortlessly with only browser access required. This has been transformational for me during remote working.
When boards become large, the download process can be a little slow and it sometimes trips up with downloading the content that is currently in the viewer's screen. This can easily be resolved by archiving and starting a new board. Perhaps an option of local caching some content could be useful.
The templates are a great way to get started quickly
Kommentare: Miro facilitates remote collaboration for teams. Having a place where the whole team can get together and discuss how to improve the tools, process, or development is crucial for my organization.
I enjoy the flexibility of having members of my team work from home and the convenience of being able to brainstorm ideas together. Changes in workflow and process may now be quickly and easily whiteboarded thanks to this helpful program. Miro facilitates cross-team communication and collaboration for ideation, process mapping, and more inside the Marketing department.
There isn't much about Miro that worries me. I wish we could make our own templates and preserve them. There was also an option we could click to export our Miro creations to Powerpoint. Other than that, it's a great tool that I enjoy using.
Provides transparency that helps us always find the right path
Kommentare: Miro designed a system that keeps collaboration always. Meetings and sessions with Miro tools enabled us to achieve the desired results and document them transparently.
Miro has everything to enhance the power of collaboration among team members. The whiteboard, magic pen, and ready-made elements make creating Flowcharts and Diagrams a joy. We use Miro to pin the ideas we gather during brainstorming in the right places and then assemble or reshape until we reach what is required. The presence of many templates helps us display Flowcharts, Diagrams, and other models in an organized manner capable of reflecting a great image of the team involved in creating them. I like the ease of exporting them as images to easily add to reports or presentations. I liked the value of documentation with Miro, as it is possible to know who and when the change occurred and who gave the final approval, which enhances governance throughout the steps.
There is no room for negatives with Miro, regular notifications always give us the ability to see in real time any modifications or additions and comment on them by approving or rejecting them, which keeps the workflow smooth.
Growth, VC funding & re-branding cause my love affair with Miro (Realtimeboard) to end
Kommentare: I had an initial love affair with Realtimeboard and had a subscription since 2016/17. Growth and then VC funding last year together with the re-branding debacle are forcing me to re-think that love. It's been unrequited for the last while. :-( NPS scores
Easy to use, excellent real-time capabilities
Poor customer support & dishonesty. The change to Miro saw them stiff paid Premium users of Realtimeboard and not honour the remainder of their subscriptions Slow pace of feature development No offline capabilities
Miro is the operating system for a creative distributed team
Kommentare: Miro fast become our essential collaboration tool to maintain creativity and innovation as we scaled across the world with people in over 20 countries.
Miro is a fantastic tool with numerous use cases for a global distributed team who is focused on staying connected. Without Miro, we do our entire OKR planning cycle which is complex processed orientated. After using many tools, Miro was the tool that our team used and validated. We use Miro for BPM across the business and we also use the collaborative power of Miro for creative brainstorming, giving our team a voice and satisfying that creative need across the business. The Miro community templates are also a massive value add giving inspiration and ideas on how to tackle a process design.
The only con for Miro is sometimes the time it takes to build maps if you are building yourself. With mind meister, you could use shift and it would automatically create more spaces in the mind map which really helps when you are brainstorming with ideas coming freely. With Miro, sometimes it takes time to build the actual map and this can prohibit the quality of brainstorming.
Versatile and reliable idea management platform in general.
Kommentare: Miro has been the product that I always wished to have because it helps me to visually draw my ideas the way I know best.
Miro is one of the platforms that I have interacted with so far that has a pretty much clean, attractive and well-organized user interface, I would give it a 9 out of 10. I was also happy with the ability to simultaneously work on a diagram visualization with colleagues from different devices all together. User-friendly and realistic pricing.
At the moment, I have no dislikes about Miro simply because I have not encountered a hitch since I interacted with it from the day of deployment.
Use Miro for agile working and idea generation
Kommentare: Overall experience is extremely positive. It is very user friendly and the collaboration tools are the best in the business.
Really helps agile working in the business and has a clear way to support idea generation
It has slightly less functionality for offline tools.
Great Project Planning Tool
Kommentare: 10 out of 10. I will be purchasing Miro when my trial runs out.
If you don’t mind spending some time setting up your story board or road map, Miro gives users a ton of options.
It was difficult to get started but once I got the hang of it it was totally worth the time.
Website design by Ali Miro
Kommentare: I heard a lot from friends about it and their designs and templates.
Miro offers capabilities designed for all stages of innovation.
No There are no minor flaws are no major flaws, just minor ones that are not worth mentioning.
Easy for Collaboration
Kommentare: Very positive, it's easy to use and explain to others how to use.
It's so easy to use, setup, and collaborate with others. With various integrations, it's a piece of cake
Nothing, it honestly is a fantastic program and suite, collaborating is easy with Miro
Quick collaboration with real update-as-you-type across the board, perfect for collecting thoughts
Kommentare: We've been using Miro for months now for team retrospectives, collecting notes on past releases, gathering ideas for improvements etc. So far, we haven't had any experiences where we were left with feeling that something was lacking. The whole team is very satisfied with this product.
It's great when your team is out of reach and you need to gather some ideas. It works even better than the physical presence of people, because it forces them to put it in a note - you can organize notes, transform them etc. Also, you can even see where everybody's mouse cursor is, which, even though isn't required, gives you a nice feeling of collaboration (imagine 10 cursors flying around, doing stuff... it just feels powerful and stimulating). Of course, you can turn it off if you'd like to. The collaboration board is 'near-infinite', offers many types of objects (stickies being most popular, but also tasks, lanes, images etc). There's meeting agenda, todo list, and other stuff you might need from an online meeting tool. Paid version also gives you an option to use active elements, like voting, countdown timer etc. Very cool.
The history of changes isn't that easy to track - who did what and when, who's put this element? when? what was added by John? etc. What this tool doesn't offer is an actual meeting (call/video) - for that, you'd have to use other means to connect.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Best collaboration tool
Kommentare: Overall experience is great. Even if during this pandemic situation we used this a lot for any kind of discussions or any kind of meetings to clarify the stuff. This is the best tool for IT , Project management as well as Leadership.
Any Graph or flow chart or anything we wanted to discuss in the team for that Miro board is the best tool. Good for retrospective meetings and share the views with the limited time duration because it has a timer feature that is great. Great inbuild templates available for any kind of flow chart or creating diagram. Great export methods of the dashboards which can be easily shared between the Team. Great feature of Kanban creation. Overall the best tool for collaboration between the team.
Sometimes while giving tag to the component on the dashboard the name giving feature is not showing up. We need to click so mane times to come up. Limited shapes are available for Diagram. Standardized UML shapes are not available.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Visual thinking board
Kommentare: I'm a visual thinker, and I couldn't function without a tool like this. I've tried them all and keep coming back to Miro.
It has all the flexibility I need to lay out my ideas, and progressively develop them. Plus, the community templates are amazingly useful and new contributions keep coming.
I am sometimes disappointed or unimpressed by the visual aesthetic aspect, but this is a very light annoyance.