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Was ist BQE CORE Suite?
Mit BQE Core kannst du mühelos die Zeit erfassen und Ausgaben von einer integrierten Plattform aus verwalten. Die nutzerfreundliche Oberfläche und nativen mobilen Apps von Core steigern deine Effizienz und beseitigen den Aufwand der mit klobigen Tabellenkalkulationen und Papierbelegen verbunden ist. Melde dich noch heute für eine 15-tägige, kostenlose Testversion an.
Wer verwendet BQE CORE Suite?
Architektur- und Ingenieursfachkräfte Innendesigner*innen Industrielle Designer*innen
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Bewertungen über BQE CORE Suite

BQE Review
Kommentare: I switched to this system after using another finance system for 18 years and it was an easy interface and allowed for minimal training so even our entry level staff picked it up quickly.
The ability to run multiple reports and drop them into excel.
I wish we could save multiple filters for the T&E reviewer since I use that the majority of the time.
Excellent Software
Kommentare: Excellent - their people know the product, when you call with an issue you SPEAK to someone who is knowledgeable. They answer the phone which is such a great thing
The ability to speak to someone who knows the software when an issue arises.
Honestly I don't have an issue with it at all. We got the product BillQuick first and then went online to Core, which was a blessing because a couple of months later the pandemic hit and we were all homebound.
BQE review
Kommentare: I've had a positive experience for the most part
The functions are simple for the most part
The sections could be laid out in a more simple and accessible fashion.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Software has issues, but their customer support is pretty good
Kommentare: In theory, I like all of the features that core has to offer, however, when the features don't work the way they're supposed to it becomes a bit of a nightmare to use. It has a lot of bugs, crashes often and in general is just not very user friendly.
I like the expense management feature for employee reimbursement and client billing purposes. I also liked the accounting feature that allows you to bill expenses straight from the Cloudfeeds. I also really liked their customer support. They have a solid team on standby for customer support. I would often get the same person when I called. They are super friendly and know how to navigate the software.
It's time consuming to use - it's so slow and there are a lot of features that bug out and simply don't work the way they're supposed to, so I spend a lot of time navigating all of that, which is a bummer.
Helps Me Focus on the Business End
Kommentare: Overall, I find the suite to be very helpful for what I need it for. It allows me to focus on my work without stressing about this aspect of the business. I more-often-than-not trust that things are taken care of properly and effectively.
It's easy to navigate and find what you need. This is an important aspect because I don't want to have to spend a lot of time trying to navigate my way around.
One minor complaint is that sometimes my time entries double up for no reason. This can lead to confusion within our payroll department.
6 months using BQE Core Suite
Kommentare: its been very positive, lots of options and it tracks everything and helps us create documents for all aspects of our operation
The options and amount of things that the program can do.
i wish it was a little more intuitive, once you learn it then its not a real issue,
BQE Core Review
Kommentare: Overall satisfied with BQE, easily can get my time cards done on a daily basis.
Ease of use & the incredible visibility of time spent.
Slight lag at times but usually it will come and go.
BQE Core Ease
Kommentare: Overall, BQE Core has greatly enhanced our operational efficiency, and we highly recommend it to other firms looking for a comprehensive project management and accounting solution.
BQE Core is miles ahead in terms of user-friendliness, intuition, and customization capabilities. The platform is intuitive and user-friendly, making it easy for our team to adapt quickly.
I would have liked to see a bit more integration with MS365
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Great software
time tracking is super helpful for everyone
initial setup is a heavy lift if you're the only one doing it
Love the interface
Kommentare: Very fluid interface for data entry and love the stock reports.
Love the interface that makes it so easy to enter my hours for the whole month.
Maybe common menus can be shown at the top in a row?

Great product fro expense and time tracking, and way more
I have been using BQE Software for almost 4 years now. I have been reguarly logging hours and expenses as part of my daily work. I really love the app version in which I can snap a picture on the go from my receipt and toss the receipt away immediatelly. It has saved me tons of time of collecting receipts and then balancing my credit card account. Tracking billable hours is also pretty easy and there are couple of options to do so for each personality from using project timers that you can play and pause to straight old-fashined type of plug-in. Overall, I am very happy of this software.
I like all features I have to use for my work.
Project Coordinator
Kommentare: Overall my experience with CORE is great and has offered many great benefits to my job as a project coordinator.
Core is user friendly and multifunctional for our company.
The load time can sometimes hinder the work flow process.

Daily User
I like that it remembers the usual client entities. Makes it easy to choose the top clients worked on.
Sometimes the system is slow, but that is usually rare.
My name is Sara Zapata, I work in HMV Successful BQE experience:I use BQE every day to enter time into projects, it's easy to use.
Kommentare: Overall, it's been good to work with BQE, it's a great app.
Using BQE is very simple, additionally, time can be entered day by day and you are sent reminders when you have not entered time in the projects.
They could improve the way the user sees the screen, it could be a little more didactic.
Great app and product for time tracking
Kommentare: Love the app will continue to use it. I recommend it 10/10!!
I am an employee that uses this app to submit hours to invoice billing for our customers. It is easy to input hours, expenses and review history of past projects via app and website
Initially the app was difficult to modify hours and such. I have been using the app for 2 years and they have improved the app a great deal!
BQE: the ally of the companies
It is a tool that allows you to have a better control of the projects and times that will be charged to the clients.
They always attend to the faults that arise, but sometimes it takes a little longer than desired.
Review from an intern at Top Site Civil Group
Kommentare: My experience has been well, except for what I shared in the cons.
It is easy to navigate through the program and look for help if needed.
One thing that has grabbed my attention is that you are not able to take off hours that you have put down. Instead it is forced to have a minimum of 1 hour. I know I should have not done this, but I logged in a couple of hours before hand and was not able to go into the office that day. So when I tried to take them off it would not work, I instead took off a couple of hours from the days I did work.
The updated Core is great!
Core has taken the headache out of entering time sheets daily/weekly and with selecting any of the new updated projects that I am currently working. Some things that would take 30 minutes no takes 5 minutes.
I am always up to date with my most current vacation hours and PTO's. It also makes booking time and vacation simple and efficient.
I recently had expenses that I needed to claim and that took 5 minutes vs unnecessary emailing random people, messaging for updated information. Its seemly and efficient. The updated Core is great!
Its seemly efficient and seemly to use.
It take s a bit to figure out where the vacation PTO request page is.
BQE CORE - Must have
Tracking time & expenses has never been easier. The interface is very easy to use and provides great historical data of your time tracking that differentiates between billable and non billable hours. Having never used the software before, it has been very easy to familiarize myself with it and use on a daily basis.
Whenever I go to save a line entry for hours, it defaults as non-billable even if I click the billable box. This causes me to have to click billable after i save each entry.
End User Here!
Easy to navigate and keep up to date time entries for upper management's billing and invoicing.
No splitting of time between projects worked on simultaneously.
BQE review
it is an easy to use software , with great graphics.
it is not so simple to customize the exporting of hours / project
User Friendly
nice calendar design and time tracking method
the outmost design is simple that can improve
Great Product
Kommentare: Great, Awesome product and will recommend to others
Easy to access and to learn the software.
No complaints about the software, its great.
User friendly and informative
Kommentare: Easy to use. Informative. And customer service has been helpful when I have had to call.
I like that it is easy to use and that it clearly portrays time and work summaries in various ways. The graphs and visuals are helpful to visualize how I have spent my time on different projects. I also enjoy the timer feature so that I can easily start and stop to track my time throughout the day.
I haven't encountered anything about CORE yet that has been frustrating or unhelpful.
Review BQE
Ease of use and decent site organization
Honestly, I can't think of anything I dislike