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Was ist 360Learning?
Mit 360Learning können Lern- und Entwicklungsteams Unternehmenskultur und -wachstum durch kollaboratives Lernen fördern. Diese Lernplattform kombiniert kollaborative Tools mit der Leistungsfähigkeit eines LMS (Learning Management System), um Lernen basierend auf kollektiver Sachkenntnis anstelle traditioneller Wissensvermittlung zu ermöglichen. 360Learning vereinfacht das Onboarding neuer Mitarbeitender, die Schulung kundenorientierter Teams und die Entwicklung professioneller Fähigkeiten – alles von einem Ort aus.
360Learning unterstützt die Zukunft der Arbeit in 1.700 Organisationen.
Wer verwendet 360Learning?
Unternehmen zwischen 120 und 500 000 Mitarbeitenden, die den Wissensaustausch mit Collaborative Learning aktivieren wollen. 2300 Unternehmen aus allen Branchen nutzen 360Learning – z.B. Nordsee, Babor, Mitsubishi Electric, Decathlon, Airbus, Toyota & Taxfix.
Du bist nicht sicher, ob 360Learning das Richtige ist?
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Bewertungen über 360Learning
Benutzerfreundlich, mit klarer Logik dahinter
Nachdem sich die Größe unserer Firma verdreifacht hat, waren wir aus unserem alten LMS herausgewachsen und haben zu 360Learning gewechselt. Ich schätze sehr die größere Komplexität von 360Learning, die raffiniertere Usability für Admins und User gleichermaßen. Ich kann Datenschutzanforderungen durch sinnvolle Gruppen-Hierarchien uns gestaffelte Nutzungsrollen gerecht werden.
Für uns funktioniert der social Learning Ansatz. Emojis und Kommentare kennen die Mitarbeitenden bestens von der internen Kommunikation über Slack.
Man erkennt bei der Nutzung, dass die ganze Plattform gut durchdacht ist. Die dahinterliegende Struktur und Logik ist gut aufgebaut und entspricht oft meiner Denkweise, wie ich meine E-Learning-Projekte aufsetzen möchte. Ich sehe Potenzial, dass die Plattform auch noch höheren Ansprüchen gerecht wird, wenn unsere Firma und damit die Komplexität unserer Projekte wächst.
Die Menü Struktur ist nicht ganz einfach zu durchschauen, und man braucht etwas, bis man das Verhältnis der vielen unterschiedlichen Menüleisten durchschaut hat. Das lässt einige Funktionen nicht so einfach zugänglich sein. Man kommt z. B. über mindestens drei Wege zur Auswertung, aber nicht über alle Wege kann man die gleichen Dinge in gleicher Tiefe auswerten.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Best in Class Plattform für Inhouse Akademien
Sehr gutes Standard-Produkt mit ausreichend Möglichkeiten zur Customization. Das Team ist hervorragend, sehr wissend und immer erreichbar!
Mir fehlt ein Überblick über die Lernpfade / Cluster und ich fände es besser, wenn man die zeitliche Abfolge von Lernvorhaben sehen würde. Somit lässt sich der Lernfortschritt besser verfolgen.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Caritas Schweiz x 360learning
Kommentare: Sehr positive Erfahrung vom Verkauf bis zur Implementierung. Sehr hilfsbereit und lösungsorientierte Ansprechpersonen.
Kollaboratives Lernen (einfacher Einbezug von verschiedenen Personen), automatische Übersetzung in den Modulen
Keine klare Gruppenhierarchie ersichtlich, Logik Anmeldeprozess/Sessions für Klassenzimmer (braucht 3 Klicks bis zur Anmeldung eines bestimmten Slots)
Der Support ist GROSSARTIG!
Kommentare: Ich bin super zufrieden und würde mich immer wieder für die Plattform entscheiden.
Die Plattform ist nach relativ kurzer Einarbeitungszeit gut zu bedienen und zu administrieren. Ich bin als Admin sehr autonom und kann fast alles ohne zusätzlichen Support managen. Besonders hervorheben möchte ich den persönlichen Kontakt. Es fing an mit der Aquise über [sensibler Inhalt ausgeblendet], was super angenehm und kompetent professsionell war. Mein Customer Support ist [sensibler Inhalt ausgeblendet], die mich sehr kompetent und professionell betreut. Kurze Rückmeldungszeit und ich habe das Gefühl dass sie sich wann immer ich Hilfe benötige die Zeit dazu nimmt. Der Support von [sensibler Inhalt ausgeblendet] in den Workshops und beim Set Up der app war auch 1a.
Die App könnte in der Userführung besser werden. Ich muss innerhalb eines Lernpfades immer wieder manuell zurückgehen um zum nächsten Step zu gelangen. Ich würde mir außerdem mehr Flexibilität bei der Gestaltung des Dashboards wünschen.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Sehr zufrieden mit der individuellen Leistung
Kommentare: Sehr gutes, logisch aufgebautes Produkt. Unsere wichtigsten Anforderungen (Messbarkeit von Lernerfolg, spannenderes Lernen, Vereinfachung von Prozessen) wurden vollumfänglich erfüllt.
Sowohl die Menschen, die täglich bei 360 Learning für den Kundenerfolg arbeiten als auch die Funktionsweise der Lernplattform an sich.
Das Nachverfolgen von technischen Herausforderungen von Nutzern ist noch nicht ganz trivial. Da würde ich mir eine Möglichkeit wünschen, mich als "Alias" anmelden zu können, um das zu sehen, was ein Teilnehmer sieht.
Moderne Lernplattform
12 Monate nach der Implementierung sind wir sehr zufrieden mit 360Learning. Funktionen und Leistungen entsprechen unseren Erwartungen, die Betreuung ist auch sehr gut.
Im Grossen und Ganzen sehr gut und wie erwartet.
Unser Lieblings-Lernsystem
Sehr modernes, klares Design, erstaunliche Funktionen sowohl für E- als auch für Live-Learning, relativ einfach einzurichten und Lernende einzubinden
Es dauert ein wenig, bis man alle Funktionen kennt

interactive, design, responsive & user friendly training tool
I really like 360Learning for its easy-to-use, interactive setup where everyone can share their thoughts and learn from each other. It’s great how it works smoothly on both computers and smartphones, making learning convenient anytime, anywhere. Plus, the feedback and data it provides help us keep improving our training.
Nothing ! it took me a few days to implement the platform, I had to make it live in 1 month and in 1 week with the help of the team everything was finished. The team is listening and ready to adapt the platform to users' needs. a very customer-oriented team, so well done !
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
360Learning review
ease of use, ability to create our own content, how it integrates with 3rd party content and our HRIS
I think reporting could be better, although through workarounds I have been able to get what I need
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Not The Best Yet, But Certainly On Track To Be
Kommentare: One of the best things about 360Learning is its customer service. Their CS team is top notch and are always there to help us when we need it. Overall, like many LMS', it is certainly love/hate. We don't love to hate it but we love a lot of what it does but when it doesn't do what it's supposed to or lacks a key feature that some of it's competitors offer, it's a frustrating level of hate.
In a fast paced tech environment, the ability to author content at speed is very important. 360Learning allows us to quickly author/build courses that our learners enjoy and have a really great experience with. The user experience is one of the best parts of this product.
Its live session feature has A LOT to be desired especially compared to some of it's competitors that offer Events pages, easy sign up and registration, Zoom integrations and more. The other item on my list that floats at the bottom of 'things 360Learning does not do well' is it's automatic timeout feature when learners are consuming content. The feature resets learner progress after 15 minutes of inactivity. Reset, not pick back up where you left off. This is a major pain point for us if we have a video or exercise that is longer than 15 minutes.
Engaging Collaborative Learning Platform
Kommentare: 360Learning is an innovative platform for collaborative learning, making it especially useful for organizations focused on team-based training and knowledge sharing.
Collaborative and social learning, also user friendly content creation tool
limited advanced reporting and analytics and somewhat limited course customization
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Practical & innovative
Kommentare: we have signed for a 3 years plan with 360 learning and aim at using the tool for all our Learning strategy. It is precious to count on their learning experience
We wanted to invest in a flexible learning platform, creating engagement with our community (starting from scratch in the deployment of our L&D strategy we needed a flexible approach) The quality of customer support, level of experience and expertise of the learning partners have really been useful to start the project
The platform could still improve in the user experience path, especially the emoticons -
Comprehensive and user friendly
Kommentare: We have had a very good experience that suits our organisation's needs.
The platform allows for a great variety of content. Its ease of use make it quick in the implementation of new content, as well as in the inclusion of new authors. Learners are very satisfied with the interface and the interactive elements.
Some translations into Spanish and Portuguese were automated and did not match the quality we required, but this was fixed by the developers.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Sturdy LMS
Kommentare: I really appreciated the support of the 360Learning team: very helpful and nice.The LMS platform is a good one, with many interesting features (very good statistics about training for instance, even if a little hard to use at first). I hoped a few more options to customize the look and feel of the platform for our company.
360Learning is a robust learning platform including various features for online training. It is quite easy to use and adopt. The 360Learning was very helpful to launch the platform and answer our specific needs.The collaborative options were interesting for our projects.The various options for quizz and assessment were giving us some creative options to make our contents more lively.
The personalization according to our company design specifications was a bit disappointing.The path / session option was restrictive. But it is improving.
360Learning Platform for Creation within Enterprise
360Learning offers numerous tools for its users to capitalize on delivery content and learner progress. The ability to create own courses with an interactive staff to assist with onboarding adds a ton of value.
It would be beneficial if there were more options for content creation. In addition, there should be better reporting features. Lastly, there are regular updates to stay on top of for platform efficiency. Users should be aware of them to maximize software usage.
Digital Learning Manager
- Easy-to-use platform - Project team ready to listen
- Platform that's evolving a little too quickly (Sometimes i'm lost)
Very good!
Kommentare: Very good so far, it impoved my learning experience
It has a very well structured educating website, providing the opportunity to organise your learning path.
It takes some time to familiarise with the whole thing.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Review NRB
It's a truly effective LMS - we can create our own content, share external content and follow our learners (dashboard).
The architecture of the 360Learning platform isn't designed to host external content (Udemy , Pluralsight, etc). So, all of functionalities are no so more. For instance : the search bar.
A comprehensive, modern, collaborative and engaging training platform
360Learning helps us to industrialize our training processes: creating modules is simple and efficient, and collaboration between learners and content creators is facilitated. The platform is also sufficiently fun and customizable to engage employees in a skills enhancement program. Last but not least, regular platform updates bring new, ever more powerful (and AI-powered!) functionalities.
We hope to see the possibility of customizing the home page even further developed. It's already possible to create a carousel, but we'd also like to be able to put training courses in the spotlight, or create more sections.
A very frendly leraning tool for my company
The UI is easy and you can custom it as you like. Frequent updates makes the experience better
Frequent updates that sometime make me lost !
Great tools
Kommentare: very important tools for our traceability on the validation of our quizzes
friendly and intuitive, very convenient
recurring updates that can disrupt learners
Very good LMS & great team there to support you
Kommentare: Overall, I'd recommend using 360Learning, it's also a company that's growing, constantly improving the platform, and very communicative about their product changes too.
Onboarding was seamless and the team was great throughout. I have attended several events organized by 360Learning, both online and offline and they've been very useful each time. The platform take a bit to get used to but their e-learning is very well done and their learning community has proven very useful in the first few months.
The globalization option (to have the platform in several languages) was sometimes tricky and time consuming to use for us but I believe this will be improved soon. Also tricky is the library management and search feature. But the product is very receptive to feedback and aware of everything we have said in the last few months.
Very positive experience
The platform works great especially also in a remote setting - our company is on two different continents with many remote workers and we are grateful for a tool like 360Learning. We received great support from our Digital Client Success Partner.
Setting up the system was a bit hard in the beginning as it is not very intuitive but once you start using it regularly, it becomes quite easy.
360Learning Honest User Review
What I most liked about 360Learning was the ease of use.
I cannot think of anything I least liked about 360Learning
Digital Learning Cloud based LMS
Kommentare: Flexible, reactive and pleasant. No technical issues to this day.
The interaction is allows with learners, the authoring tool, the client fronting team, the additional functionalities you can purchase if needed. The possibility to integrate with additional tools.
The multiplicity of options and functionalities whih you can only discover as you practice as there is often several ways to do one actions. This makes it difficult to set up holistic trainig and you have more to leern as you progress.